True Builders…
Building Value

10454- W91236-18-B-0014 Renovate 60C Building Richmond, VA
Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Construction Contract for renovations of warehouse 60 at Defense General Supply Center Richmond. Project consists of major renovation and repair encompassing the entire low-roof addition to Warehouse 60C. Construction to include...
10392-BYRD PARK-Monumental Window & Door Project Richmond, VA
Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Contract for the Historical Renovations at Byrd Park. The scope of work include, but are not limited to removal, replacement and restoration of existing windows and exterior doors at the Byrd Park Reserve Pump Station located at...
10403-2nd & Grace Streets Parking Deck Façade Restoration Richmond, VA
Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Contract for the Renovations and Structural Repairs to the 2nd and Grace Street Parking Deck. The scope of work includes Rebuild brick veneer. Tuck-pointing of brick masonry. Replace shelf angles. Drill new weep holes. Install new...
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Phone: 804 264 9700
1700 Broad Rock Blvd. Richmond, VA 23224
Richmond, VA Hdqrts
Alexandria, Gretna, Roanoke,
Virginia Beach, Oakland, MD