True Builders…
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20240 Nor Dan S/C Waterproofing Danville, Va
Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Contract to waterproof the exterior walls of NorDan Shopping Center in Danville. Scope of work includes excavation of parking lot areas, building thermal moisture protection, drainage and pavement replacement. This is a Design...
10657-Hampton Convention Center Grand Ball Room Renovations Hampton, VA
February 2020, Athens Building Corp. is awarded the contract for renovations to the Grand Ball room at the Hampton Convention Center. The scope of work includes new High end finishes and replacement of doors and entrances. Project Notice to proceed has been delayed...
10500- Charlottesville Circuit Court Building Charlottesville, VA
Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Contract for Additions and Alterations to the Circuit Courts Building for the City of Charlottesville. The Project consists of a two story addition and alterations to the existing building to include Walls, Detention Rooms, Judges...
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1700 Broad Rock Blvd. Richmond, VA 23224
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Alexandria, Gretna, Roanoke,
Virginia Beach, Oakland, MD