Athens Building Corp. is awarded the Exterior Paver & Roofing Improvements at the DMV Headquarters building in Richmond, VA.

10/30/214 – Progress is moving along at the Project. Existing areas are being demolished and hauled off in order for the new construction to begin.

12/14/2014 – Progress on the project is taking place as per schedule. Despite the weather, we are able to start the paver install.

1/8/2015 – Progress report on the project. Roofing and pavers are at 60% Completion despite weather delays.

3/2/2015 – Despite numerous weather as well as existing conditions delays, we are on the “last Step” of completing the project. Our Vendor who was contracted to fabricate the steps is located in Wisconsin. Due to weather conditions and trucking issues, they wanted to postpone delivery of the product by 6 weeks. Athens Building Corp. will not inconvenience the customer or the public with such a delay and has opted to form and construct the steps using our own forces. The end result looks great and we were able to increase the strength of the concrete by more than double.

6/18/2015 – Project Substantial Completion is achieved. The Owner increased the contract by more than 30% with additional work required due to structural issues which were revealed during the project.

Project Highlights:

1. Stairs and risers were hand built on site by the most meticulous tradesmen in the area. Not only are they breathtaking to look at but are 4 times stronger than the specs called out for. All of the Precast Concrete was meticulously installed within the tightest tolerances in order to comply with ADA requirements while maintaining a great look.

2. $60K in new handrails which feature LED lighting give the building a great look and feel.

3. Athens was able to overcome some extensive structural issues on the building and make sure the public is safe for many more years to come.

Owner: Commonwealth of Virginia     Architect: KOPA Architecture    Project Value: $800K

Contact: Carrie Robinson, DMV Facilities